Sabah Science, Technology and Innovation minister Datuk Dr Arifin Arif (left) visiting the American Green Corner at Tanjung Aru Library here. Present were US Ambassador to Malaysia Edgar Kagan (centre) and city mayor Datuk Seri Dr Sabin Samitah. NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL
Sabah Science, Technology and Innovation minister Datuk Dr Arifin Arif (left) visiting the American Green Corner at Tanjung Aru Library here. Present were US Ambassador to Malaysia Edgar Kagan (centre) and city mayor Datuk Seri Dr Sabin Samitah. NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL

KOTA KINABALU: The launch of the American Green Corner at the State Library in Tanjung Aru is testament to the collaboration between Malaysia and the United States, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor.

"We look forward to many more such partnerships in the future. We thank the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur for your support in fostering knowledge exchange which has strengthened closer ties between our countries.

"This initiative also signifies our collective commitment towards educational and environmental advancements in Sabah," said Hajiji in a speech delivered by State Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif.

Present was the United States Ambassador to Malaysia Edgard D. Kagan.

He said the American Green Corner was more than just a space within the Sabah State Library as it represents a significant commitment to environmental awareness and sustainability.

"This initiative aligns perfectly with our vision for Sabah's future. A future where education, innovation, and environmental stewardship are intertwined to create a harmonious and sustainable society," he said.

"By providing these resources, we empower our citizens, especially the younger generation, with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a positive impact on our environment.

"This initiative is a crucial part of our broader vision encapsulated in the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya roadmap. Our goal is to ensure that Sabah not only prospers economically but also thrives in terms of environmental health and social well-being.

"Indeed, the American Green Corner supports this vision by fostering an informed and environmentally conscious society," he said.


TAGS: Sabah, US, Tanjung Aru, library, news