Kamal Baihan speaking to reporters after leaving the Selanyang Hospital Forensic Department. -NSTP/NOR AZIZAH MOKHTAR
Kamal Baihan speaking to reporters after leaving the Selanyang Hospital Forensic Department. -NSTP/NOR AZIZAH MOKHTAR

KUALA LUMPUR: The family of the 17-year-old who died as a result of food poisoning which was believed to have been caused by food brought back from a school programme do not want to blame anyone for what happened.

The boy's 53-year-old father, Kamal Baihan, said the family accepts what happened as having been ordained by the Almighty.

"The results of the post-mortem examination (on my son Luth Izhar) will likely take a while to come out, especially since there is another case of a child who died.

"This happened after we ate leftovers brought back by my wife (from a school programme), but I don't want to point fingers at anyone because all this while, we have not had any problems.

"If we want to associate (the incident) to the religious school, well we don't feel comfortable doing that," he said when met at the Selayang Hospital Forensics Unit.

Meanwhile, it was understood that the post-mortem examination of the 2-year-old child who also died after consuming food brought back from the school was completed about 6pm today.

The girl's father, Nazrol Shah Hafiz, did not want to speak much about what had happened.

He would only say that the arrangements for the burial of his daughter, Nur Delisha Madihah, had already been completed.