Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan. -- BERNAMA FILEPIC
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan. -- BERNAMA FILEPIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has called on Developing-8 (D-8) member states to leverage its influence and help put an end to the on-going onslaught by the Israeli Defense Forces against the people of Palestine.

In his statement at the extraordinary meeting of foreign ministers of D-8 countries in Turkiye, Istanbul, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan stressed the significant role the economic bloc has in contributing to and providing solutions to the ongoing violence against Palestine.

He said the plight of Palestine is more than just a policy position but a reflection of collective conscience, a measure of humanity as well as a symbol of the injustices and failures of the international order.

"We must do all in our power to rectify these wrongs. We must continue working tirelessly with the larger international community until a permanent and effective ceasefire in Gaza is achieved.

"Let our dreams of a free Palestine live beyond today, and beyond the words that we say," Mohamad said.

The bloc, he said, should consider galvanising its influence to persuade more countries to recognise Palestine as a State.

"Realistically, while efforts for economic cooperation and reconstruction are present, its full potential can

only be realised, once Palestine is fully recognised as a State.

"Despite the growing number of states recognising the State of Palestine, there is still a need, for the D-8

Member States to galvanise its influence, in encouraging countries that have yet to do so, to recognise Palestine, as a matter of urgency and humanity."

At the extraordinary meeting, Mohamad also proposed four key points for the D-8 member states to pursue in response to the plight of the Palestinian people.

He said D-8 member states should collectively support the call for a ceasefire, including the three-phase proposal as recently announced by the United States as well as not to render aid or assistance to Israel including any economic dealings that contribute to the funding of its military, and its illegal occupation of the Palestinian land.

The bloc, Mohamad said, should also increase our humanitarian assistance, and ensure safe and unimpeded access to delivering aid.

"While we acknowledge the current challenges of accessing Gaza through land and sea, the mobilisation of humanitarian assistance, must be worked on closely with its neighbouring countries, and international organisations," he said.

Mohamad said Malaysia looks forward to the High-Level Conference – A Call to Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza, to be held in Jordan, on 11 June.

He also proposed the bloc to establish and formalise a collaboration between the D-8 and Palestine, with a view to uplift the livelihood and socio-economic development of the Palestinians, including the reconstruction of the State.

Wisma Putra, in a statement, said Malaysia and other D-8 member states demonstrated strong support to the Palestinian cause.

"This was reflected in the outcome declaration of the extraordinary meeting, which expresses strong condemnation of Israel's continued aggression in the Gaza Strip and the entire Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and affirmation of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

"The Declaration also demanded an immediate, permanent and unconditional ceasefire, and supports all

efforts towards empowering the Palestinian economy as well as rebuilding Gaza following the

withdrawal of Israeli forces."

The statement also said that Mohamad paid a courtesy call on Turkiye Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, where both leaders discussed various international, regional and bilateral issues of mutual concern, particularly on the situation in Gaza.

Mohamad, the statement said, also had informal discussions with his counterparts on how the D-8 could increase efforts to find solutions to the plight of the Palestinians.

"Malaysia's participation at the Extraordinary Meeting was part of Malaysia's continuous efforts at

various multilateral platforms in support of Palestine and to find ways and means to end atrocities

in Palestine."