Pas spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin has advised the Perlis government leadership to correct weaknesses and avoid wrongdoing of any kind. NSTP file pic
Pas spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin has advised the Perlis government leadership to correct weaknesses and avoid wrongdoing of any kind. NSTP file pic

KANGAR: Pas spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin has reminded the Perlis government leadership to avert from getting involved in any form of wrongdoing.

The former Sanglang assemblyman called on the Pas-led Perikatan Nasional state government to address weaknesses in the state administration to ensure that it remains steadfast in upholding Islamic principles.

"The Perlis government still has weaknesses that must be overcome. Don't let shortcomings affect the state administration.

"Don't allow these shortcomings to prolong. We must seek a remedies at the early stages of these problems.

"The best guidance is Islamic principles and insyaAllah (God willing), He will assist us," he told reporters at the state Pas Complex.

Hashim was sharing his advice for the Perlis government under the stewardship of Menteri Besar Mohd Shukri Ramli, who is also the state Pas commissioner.

He said the national Pas leadership would always share advice to state leaders from the party, as outlined in religious principles.

"Leaders must listen and evaluate any criticism to decide whether it is constructive criticism or otherwise.

"Islam advocates the culture of advising and if people give their advice, we must duly respond if it is something legitimate," he said.

On April 30, Shukri was summoned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

He spent about eight hours having his statement recorded over a probe into alleged abuse of power involving a supply project valued at RM300,000.

Previously, Shukri's son was among six individuals remanded by the MACC to assist in investigations into the falsification of documents involving a false claim amounting to RM600,000.