State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew said that abah is eager to showcase its cultural heritage in China. — NSTP FILE PIC
State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew said that abah is eager to showcase its cultural heritage in China. — NSTP FILE PIC

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is eager to showcase its cultural heritage in China, said Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew.

She said the state government was planning an initiative to reciprocate a Chinese art exhibition currently held here to mark the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations.

"We opened our doors to Chinese artists to hold their exhibitions here to lay a foundation for deeper cultural engagement.

"This is the first time the Chinese artists have come to the state," said Liew during the launch of the China-Sabah Art Exhibition at the Sabah Art Gallery here today (May 8).

Liew suggested organising cultural exchange events in China, in which the Sabah Cultural Board could hold performances of the state's traditional dances and songs.

"The response for this exhibition has been promising, with inquiries pouring in from both local and international audiences.

"We aspire for the success of this endeavour, paving the way for future collaborations in the realm of art and culture," said Liew.

She said the Chinese artists were here to share their artworks and experiences with local artists, besides participating in cross-cultural learning.

"I hope our new friends from China will see the beauty of Sabah and draw inspiration to create new paintings and poems to commemorate their visit here," she added while calling for more events to be held in the state capital.

Liew expressed hope that local artists would take the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with the Chinese artists to deepen their understanding of Chinese art.

The Chinese Consulate-General in Kota Kinabalu, Dr Huang Shifang, said the exhibition acts as a bridge to connect people from both countries, besides facilitating mutual learning and understanding of each other's art, culture and traditions.

Through such exchanges, she believed that the bond between the people of China and Sabah had grown stronger, fostering friendly relations and enhancing China-Malaysia and China-Sabah friendships.

The Chinese artists showcasing their artworks here are Gu Benjian, Sun Jianzhong, Xi Wenyuan, Xie Jianke,Ye Shengqin and local artist Florence Wong.

They are from the Shanghai Ba Dai Tou Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the Flow Studio of Wang Jun Laboratory.