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KUALA LUMPUR: The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) will hold a congress to discuss electoral reform and human rights issues, among others.

The group said in a statement that it plans to bring together civil society organisations, student activists, youth and think tanks through the meet.

"The Bersih Congress will convene to discuss national issues and unite the people's movement in demanding reforms and resolving the Bersih movement until the next general election (GE16).

"Among the issues to be discussed at this Bersih Congress are electoral reform, institutional reform, human rights issues, and social unity," the statement read.

A media announcement for the congress, it added, is planned for May 4 at Bersih's main office in Petaling Jaya.

Bersih had recently organised a rally demanding for legislative reforms.

The rally saw participants march from Tugu Negara to the parliament. The group said that the rally marked their 'Reformasi 100 peratus' (100 per cent reform) campaign.

Bersih chairman Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz said the campaign would address issues related to general elections and corruption, including reforms to the Election Offences Act.

It also called for a moratorium on discharge not amounting to acquittal (DNAA) in corruption cases.