The bambangan is a little-known fruit that is big in Sabah. - File pic credit (Only in Sabah)
The bambangan is a little-known fruit that is big in Sabah. - File pic credit (Only in Sabah)

IN the heart of Borneo's jungles, there's a special treat that locals adore, and it's time the world knows about it – the bambangan. This little-known fruit is a big deal in Sabah. Let's peel back the layers of this exotic delight and discover why it's creating a buzz in kitchens around the globe.


Picture a fruit with tough brown skin, vibrant orange insides, and a flavour that's a mix of sour, tangy, and a bit sweet, with a unique whiff of something special. That's the bambangan, a hidden culinary gem.


What's cool about bambangan is its talent in the kitchen. You can munch on it raw with a pinch of salt for a quick snack, but where it truly shines is when it's pickled. Locals call it noonsom bambangan, a tangy sidekick that jazzes up rice and grilled fish. And guess what? Fancy chefs are now turning it into sauces and desserts for a modern twist on traditional flavours.


Beyond its taste, bambangan emerges as a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with Vitamin C for immune support and high fibre for digestive health, it adds a nutritious punch to any diet. Its journey from forest to plate becomes a journey towards better health. It's like nature's way of saying, "Eat me, I'm good for you!"


Bambangan isn't just a fruit; it's a symbol. It connects people to their land and traditions. Imagine a whole community coming together to harvest these fruits – it's like a scene from an old movie, a reminder of the good old days.


As the world gets smaller, bambangan is gearing up for the spotlight. So, whether you're a food explorer or just curious about Borneo, give bambangan a try. It's not just a fruit; it's a flavourful journey waiting to be discovered, as vibrant and exciting as the place it calls home.