The compounds were issued under the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004, Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 and Food Act 1983. File pic.
The compounds were issued under the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004, Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 and Food Act 1983. File pic.

ALOR STAR: The state Health Department has issued 1,825 compounds amounting to RM564,025 for various health-related offences during separate operations in Kedah throughout March.

Its deputy director Dr Norizan Ahmad said the department has inspected a total of 35,016 premises throughout the period aimed at preventing disease outbreak.

The compounds were issued under the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004, Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 and Food Act 1983.

"These operations are to ensure that all food premises are consistently clean and free from smoking activities in dining areas and designated non-smoking zones," she said in a statement today.

She said that under the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004, 692 compounds were issued, totaling RM163,450 in fines.

"A total of 30,883 premises were inspected, with 619 compound offers totaling RM309,500 issued for enforcement under the Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 to prevent the spread of Dengue Fever," she added.

Dr Norizan said that through enforcement actions under the Food Act 1983 and its regulations, 4,133 food premises were inspected.

"A total of 422 penalty notices were issued for other offenses, and 514 compounds were offered, amounting to RM91,075 in fines.

"A total of 29 premises, or 0.7 per cent of the premises, were temporarily closed under Section 11 orders, with 1,847 food items valued at RM15,339.80 seized," she said.

She added that civilians can report information regarding premises cleanliness and smoking activities in non-smoking areas to the nearest health district office for necessary actions.