A Palestinian child plays near a building destroyed by earlier Israeli bombardment in Gaza City. - AFP PIC
A Palestinian child plays near a building destroyed by earlier Israeli bombardment in Gaza City. - AFP PIC

KUCHING: Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar today called on Sarawakians to keep Palestinians in their thoughts when celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

"Let us together pray and hope to Allah that the turmoil they are facing now will soon come to an end," he said in his festive message since his appointment as the head of state on Jan 26.

He also said in their joy of celebrating, Sarawakians should not forget the services and sacrifices laid down by those on duty for the nation, such members of the security forces, healthcare personnel and civil servants.

"Every festive season, they consistently dedicate themselves faithfully without reservation in ensuring safety and security of the nation," he said.

He added that Sarawakians should always remember the less fortunate – the orphaned children, the elderly and persons with disabilities.

Muslims, Wan Junaidi said, should continue "nurturing relationships and strengthening ties" by visiting family members, neighbours and friends.

That, he added, was important in a multi-ethnic state with various cultures and religious beliefs.

In Sarawak's endeavour to achieve "advanced state" status by 2030, Wan Junaidi said he welcomed the move to provide free education at all state-run higher-learning institutions by 2026.

"The Sarawak government's emphasis on strengthening education is a commendable step.

"With concerted efforts towards educating the people of Sarawak, I hope that all layers of society will enjoy higher income, better lives and high-quality healthcare, besides safeguarding the welfare of the people through the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030 plan," he added.