Thirteen non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have joined forces to get people to overcome hate speech and provocation,
Thirteen non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have joined forces to get people to overcome hate speech and provocation,

KUALA LUMPUR: Civil society groups have called on people to take the practice of seeking and offering forgiveness to the next level through a movement called Maaf Zahir Batin Hari-Hari or #MZB365.

Thirteen non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have joined forces to get people to overcome hate speech and provocation,

They are highlighting the capability of Malaysians to rise to the occasion, even in the toughest of challenges.

"During the Covid-19 pandemic, we had the #KitaJagaKita movement. To counter ethnic and religious hatred, let us do #MZB365.

"Let us fight hatred with grace every day," the NGOs said in a joint statement yesterday.

They said this practice was a teaching in Islam, and also in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhis and Taoism, besides the native beliefs in Sabah, Sarawak and the peninsula.

The practice of seeking and giving forgiveness, they added, should be an all-year affair, and not limited to Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Ramadan.

"If we are reluctant to seek forgiveness, then the harm we have caused — whether intentional or not due to bad deeds or misjudgments, big or small — will stay and destroy the ties with each other.

"On the other hand, when we forgive, this does not mean we have become weaker and unwittingly encourage more trespasses and mistakes.

"To forgive those who sincerely seek forgiveness strengthens us and society.

"It builds peace, reduces misunderstanding, eliminates hatred and strengthens ties between us so that we understand each other better."

The groups however said when rules had been broken, the rule of law must be upheld.

"When the trespasses are legal offences, the offenders must still face trial and punishment.

"Pardon and commutation of sentences happen only when the convict is aware of his wrongs, admits guilt, makes restitution and strives not to repeat it.

"Meanwhile, there is no better antidote than grace, which may strengthen ties, reduce hatred, build trust and defeat those who want to exploit circumstances."

NGOs in the movement include Projek Sama, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, the G25 group, Architect of Diversity, Muslim Professional Forum and Allied Coordinating Committee of Islamic NGOs.

Others are Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan, Pure Life Society, Buddhist Missionary Society Malay-sia and Gerakan Belia Sepunjabi Malaysia.