Gopeng MP Tan Kar Hing. NSTP Pic
Gopeng MP Tan Kar Hing. NSTP Pic

KUALA LUMPUR: A student body lauds proposed amendments to the Universities and University Colleges Act (Auku) 1971 tabled at Dewan Rakyat earlier today.

The Student Representative Council interim committee of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (JKSMPP UTeM) said the amendments emphasised student empowerment.

It said this would allow student groups to obtain and manage finances both within and outside the university.

"The highlighted provisions pertain to what student bodies are authorised to do.

"They allow these bodies to manage accounts within and outside the university, synchronise the election of student representatives and other student bodies according to the university's academic calendar, and strengthen the governance of student discipline.

"JKSMPP also believes that these provisions can, to some extent, change the leadership pattern of student bodies for the better as they are allowed to manage finances directly," it said in a statement.

Gopeng member of parliament Tan Kar Hing had advocated for the government to repeal Auku so that university administrators would not interefere with student bodies.

He said the amendments to Sections 15, 16, and 48 would empower student roles and freedoms.

"These amendments provide students with greater control over their finances, alongside the political freedom ensured in previous Auku amendments, thus marking a significant shift from previous constraints on student liberties," he said in a statement.

Tan said further improvements were needed before finalising these amendments.

He said the Auku amendments still impose conditions that may suggest students are perceived as a restrained, immature, and incapable group.

"The government must recognise the status of student bodies within university institutions, allowing them to play an equal role in financial management, disciplinary matters, and student affairs alongside university administrations.

"Such actions are believed to equalise the power between institutions and student representatives, mitigating issues that suppress student freedoms and aligning with the direction of the 2030 Youth Policy, Undi 18, Youth Organisations and Development Act, which aim to empower the youth."