Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid at the officiating ceremony of the Penang ‘Respek Ramadan’ campaign and integrated operations programme in Masjid Jamek Kampung Rawa, Penang, today. - NSTP/ MIKAIL ONG
Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid at the officiating ceremony of the Penang ‘Respek Ramadan’ campaign and integrated operations programme in Masjid Jamek Kampung Rawa, Penang, today. - NSTP/ MIKAIL ONG

GEORGE TOWN: Penang will not limit the operating hours of Muslim eateries during the fasting month.

Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid, however, told Muslims, who are not fasting, not to consume food openly.

"We have no plans to limit the operating hours of Muslims eateries during the fasting month.

"We understand that there are Muslims who fall under the category of 'uzur syarie' during the fasting month. They can consume food but we hope it is not done openly.

"But for the others, we urge them to respect the fasting month," he said when met after the launch of the Respek Ramadan campaign and integrated operations programme at Masjid Jamek Kampung Rawa here today.

Mohamad said enforcement actions would be taken against any wrongdoers during routine checks or when they received any complaints.

He said this was in line with provision of the law under Section 15 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (State Of Penang) Enactment 1996.

Mohamad said statistics of disrespecting the holy fasting month showed a drop in the number of notices issued.

He said in 2021, a total of 37 operations were conducted with 56 notices issued while in 2022, 40 operations were conducted with 91 notices issued.

"Last year, 27 operations were conducted with 59 notices issued," he added, noting that they would continue to hold various preventive programmes to educate the people.

As such, Mohamad hoped all quarters could come together to combat the Syariah Criminal Offences together with the relevant state religious authorities.

At today's event, Mohamad also handed over grocery aid to some 200 recipients identified by the mosque committee to ease their burden during the coming fasting month.

It was reported that the sighting of the new moon for the commencement of Ramadan for Muslims in Malaysia would take place on Sunday, March 10.

The Office of the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal, in a statement issued by the Information Department, announced that the Conference of Rulers had agreed that the date for the start of Ramadan be based on the "rukyah" (sighting of the new moon) and "hisab" (calculation).
