Datuk Ahmad Amzad Mohamed @ Hashim, a former deputy science, technology and innovation minister, said: “The minister said certain sectors could be filled due to a lack of local graduates. - Bernama file pic
Datuk Ahmad Amzad Mohamed @ Hashim, a former deputy science, technology and innovation minister, said: “The minister said certain sectors could be filled due to a lack of local graduates. - Bernama file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: The government's proposal for foreign graduates to work in high-tech sectors, while reasonable, should be considered only a temporary solution, said the Kuala Terengganu member of parliament today.

Datuk Ahmad Amzad Mohamed @ Hashim, a former deputy science, technology and innovation minister, said: "The minister said certain sectors could be filled due to a lack of local graduates.

"But according to the Labour Department, the number of foreign graduates working in Malaysia has increased by up to 15 per cent annually.

"This may have a significant impact, especially if they're competing with local graduates."

He said this in the Dewan Rakyat during the motion of thanks on the royal address.

Amzad said there must be a time limit on the employment of foreign graduates.

He said although the types of skills provided by local educational institutions and training had long been emphasised, the issue remained unresolved.

He called for greater involvement from the industry in identifying sectors, technologies or skills in demand.

Similarly, Putrajaya member of parliament Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin wanted the government to specify which fields did not have enough employees, ensuring that graduates were aware of the demand.

"The discussion revolves around high-tech fields, but in what aspect?

"If it's mentioned that we need 200 people in this area and 50 in another field, this will help ensure that our graduates are given priority in the job market."