KUALA LUMPUR: In the latest episode of Beyond the Headlines, we address three issues, delving into cybersecurity, rice industry challenges and potential solutions.

The hacker group ROOTK1T, which claimed responsibility for yesterday's attack on the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) database, is suspected to be targeting Muslim countries.

According to cybersecurity company Kaspersky, which actively tracks and researches various malicious actors, including hacker groups, ROOTK1T appears to be a classical politically-driven hacktivist group.

Guest expert Malaysia Cyber Consumer Association (MCCA) deputy president Azrul Zafri Azmi joined the discussion together with Life & Times associate editor Izwan Ismail to highlight more on cybersecurity solutions.

The company's director of the Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) for Asia Pacific (APAC), Vitaly Kamluk was also featured to share insights on how to detect, investigate, and respond to cyber incidents effectively.

Separately, the rice industry in Malaysia is facing multifaceted challenges, from production to pricing and market dynamics.

Mydin Managing Director, Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin during Beyond The Headlines recording at Level 4, Studio multimedia NSTP Balai Berita, Bangsar. - NSTP/NUR IQBAL SYAKIR
Mydin Managing Director, Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin during Beyond The Headlines recording at Level 4, Studio multimedia NSTP Balai Berita, Bangsar. - NSTP/NUR IQBAL SYAKIR

We addressed the challenges faced by the rice industry in Malaysia together with Mydin managing director Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin.

The discussion highlighted the developments surrounding the Malaysia Madani white rice and a greater push for sustainable rice production and consumption.

Follow the discussion in the latest episode of Beyond the Headlines. Watch on NST Online's YouTube channel.

From the left, Associate Editor, Life & Times, Izwan Ismail, Vice President of Malaysia Cyber Consumer Association, Azrul Zafri Azmi, News Editor, Hazween Hassan, and News Straits Times Assistant News Editor, Amalina Kamal during Beyond The Headlines recording EP 25 at level 4, Studio Multimedia, NSTP Balai Berita, Bangsar. - NSTP/AIMAN DANIAL
From the left, Associate Editor, Life & Times, Izwan Ismail, Vice President of Malaysia Cyber Consumer Association, Azrul Zafri Azmi, News Editor, Hazween Hassan, and News Straits Times Assistant News Editor, Amalina Kamal during Beyond The Headlines recording EP 25 at level 4, Studio Multimedia, NSTP Balai Berita, Bangsar. - NSTP/AIMAN DANIAL