Telaga Tujuh stands as a testament to Langkawi’s natural beauty, offering visitors an unparalleled experience amidst Malaysia’s tropical splendour. - File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)
Telaga Tujuh stands as a testament to Langkawi’s natural beauty, offering visitors an unparalleled experience amidst Malaysia’s tropical splendour. - File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)

LANGKAWI, a gem within the Andaman Sea, is home to many natural attractions, but few quite as breathtaking as the Seven Wells Waterfall, or Telaga Tujuh. Nestled within the Machinchang Cambrian Geoforest Park, this stunning natural formation is renowned for its series of seven interconnected natural pools, cascading rivers, and a magnificent vertical waterfall.

The journey to the Seven Wells Waterfall is an adventure in itself. Hikers are rewarded with the cooling embrace of nature's own pools after navigating through the humid rainforest. The area is alive with flora and fauna, including playful monkeys that add a whimsical touch to the serene landscape.


File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)
File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)

The waterfall is divided into two distinct areas: the lower and upper pools, each offering a unique experience. The lower pools are the first stop for many, accessible after ascending around 200 steps. This area is favoured for its spectacular view of the 91-metre-high waterfall and its expansive plunge pool.

For those seeking further adventure, an additional climb leads to the upper pools. Here lies the true essence of Telaga Tujuh, with seven diverse pools connected by a river that doubles as a natural waterslide.


Among the upper pools, a natural infinity pool stands out, offering daring swimmers a breathtaking view right at the waterfall's brink. However, the strong currents require visitors to exercise caution, highlighting nature's beauty and its inherent risks.


File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)
File pic credit (Panorama Langkawi)

Local legend imbues the Seven Wells Waterfall with a mystical quality, suggesting that these pools serve as the bathing grounds for fairies, lending the waters healing properties. Whether myth or not, the enchanting atmosphere of Telaga Tujuh captivates all who visit.


Reaching the summit of the waterfall requires a strenuous climb of 600 steps, demanding both time and physical effort. Visitors seeking a less arduous experience can enjoy the majestic view from the waterfall's base or cool off in the lower pools. It's advisable to bring plenty of water and snacks, as facilities near the waterfall are minimal.


The best time to visit Telaga Tujuh is during the wet season, from September to December, when the water levels transform the falls into a truly magnificent sight. Caution is advised due to slippery surfaces and the local wildlife, particularly the monkeys, which are known for their cunning.

Whether it's the allure of legend, the thrill of the climb, or the simple desire to immerse oneself in nature, the Seven Wells Waterfall is a must-visit destination for any traveller to Langkawi.