Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has urged all parties to respect the decisions of the Federal Court, and the position of the Federal Constitution as the supreme law of the country. - Pic credit FB Selangor Royal Office
Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has urged all parties to respect the decisions of the Federal Court, and the position of the Federal Constitution as the supreme law of the country. - Pic credit FB Selangor Royal Office

KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah said all parties must respect the decisions of the Federal Court and the position of the constitution as the supreme law of the country.

His Majesty, who serves as the Malaysian National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI) chairman, said this in response to the Federal Court's decision to nullify 16 provisions under the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (1) Enactment 2019.

He said this in a post on the Selangor Royal Office's Facebook page.

"In addressing the issues, what is more important is our efforts to find ways to overcome problems that arise by examining methods to expand the competence of state legislative bodies to enact syariah criminal laws within the framework set by the constitution.

"Provisions of the constitution and/or federal laws related to ensure the power of state legislative bodies to enact syariah criminal laws are stipulated in the constitution without any ambiguity."

His Majesty said he would not engage in the polemics surrounding the decision as the Special Committee to Study Competency Issues of State Legislative Assemblies in Enacting Islamic Laws, established at the 70th MKI meeting on Aug 28 last year, was examining this issue.

"Various parties, especially politicians, legal practitioners, academics and the public, have made comments and interpretations regarding the case's decision.

"Some comments provide a true explanation of the impact of the decision

"However, there are also comments based on the polemics of certain interests, causing confusion among Muslims.

"Some have even described the decision of the Federal Court as a Black Friday moment for syariah criminal law in this country.

"I have no intention to engage in such polemics."

Sultan Sharafuddin said the special committee had been given one year from the date of its establishment to provide any recommendations to MKI and subsequently be submitted to the Conference of Rulers for scrutiny and approval.

He said the committee would:

STUDY issues related to competency, including an analysis of laws;

STUDY the decisions of the highest court;

PROPOSE and make recommendations on methods of alignment regarding the competency of state legislative bodies to enact Islamic laws and the jurisdiction of Syariah Courts in line with the constitution; and,

EXAMINE methods to strengthen the jurisdiction of Syariah Courts.

"So I call on and urge all parties, including legal experts, to assist this special committee by providing knowledgeable, constructive, and practical suggestions."

Meanwhile, Sultan Sharafuddin urged all quarters, especially Muslims, to remain calm and not cause any disturbances while awaiting the recommendations from the special committee.

"I would like to advise Muslims in this country, especially scholars and Islamic scholars, to always uphold decorum in expressing their views to avoid confusion among Muslims.

"We do not need to publicly argue about matters that can be resolved through consultation and privately.

"We need to celebrate differences of opinion and resolve these differences scientifically, sensibly and through proper channels.

"People, especially Muslims, always look up to Islamic scholars and religious scholars and always hope that any decision regarding a law can be agreed on by all."