File pic credit (UKAS)
File pic credit (UKAS)

LAWAS: The Sarawak government has embarked on a series of initiatives aimed at improving the living standards of the community, particularly focusing on the low-income group (B40) and the elderly.

A report by the Sarawak Public Communications Unit revealed the initiatives included assistance for people with disabilities (OKU) and Kenyalang Gold Card holders. The card is designed to aid the elderly in terms of welfare.

Speaking on the initiatives, Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Alli Hasan called upon government agencies involved to consistently provide the public with information regarding the criteria for application and assistance provided by each agency.

"I hope that every department responsible for implementing these policies will be able to explain to our community about the existing programs and the eligibility criteria to enjoy all types of assistance provided.

"Likewise, as community leaders, we should be informed and able to explain to the community so that they are aware and know how to obtain these aids," he said.

Amar Awang made these remarks while speaking at the Chinese New Year Contribution Presentation Ceremony 2024 for the Lawas district, organised by the State Legislative Assembly Service Centre of Bukit Sari in collaboration with the Lawas Chinese Association on Sunday.

At the ceremony, Amar Awang distributed contributions for the Chinese New Year to a total of 108 recipients comprising single mothers and the disabled.

He also emphasised the importance of such programmes in fostering a spirit of concern and solidarity among the community regardless of race, belief, or customs.