Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has reiterated government statements that Putrajaya does not interfere in investigations. NSTP filepic
Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has reiterated government statements that Putrajaya does not interfere in investigations. NSTP filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: The government has refuted any claims suggesting that investigations and legal actions against individuals, including political figures, were due to political vengeance.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said such allegations were merely perceptions being propagated by certain leaders and political figures to divert attention from the issues they were currently facing.

"I think that's his perception. I don't see this as a matter of political revenge. It may arise from his own feelings. I remember Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim repeatedly saying this was not personal.

"If there is any matter involving the people's assets, funds, then in that regard, the government has the right to investigate, and it applies to everyone, not just a particular individual or group," he said at a press conference after launching the P-Hailing Rahmah Package here today.

He said the government also never interferes with any investigations conducted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Instead, the commission is entrusted with the responsibility to carry out investigations independently without being influenced by any party, said Fahmi.

"I don't believe that interference has occurred. MACC is free to conduct investigations deemed appropriate, and we don't interfere.

"The prime minister has stated several times that he has never instructed the MACC to take any action. So, it is up to the MACC to take any lawful action (it deems necessary)."

Fahmi said this in response to statements from opposition leaders and political figures who alleged that Anwar's administration harbors ill feelings toward his political rivals, given several investigations and legal actions taken against them.

Fahmi, who is also the the Pakatan Harapan communications director, when commenting on a press conference held by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday, advised the statesman to reflect on his actions.

"Tun Mahathir lost his (election) deposit in Langkawi (when he contested in the previous general election), and Anwar won in Tambun. So, I suggest as a statesman, he should reflect, in his twilight years.

"We should leave a pure legacy instead of trying to intimidate and fabricate stories like this. I hope he is more self-reflective," he said.

Yesterday, the former two-time prime minister challenged Anwar to call for a general election immediately.

Dr Mahathir had said if Anwar carried a new election, this would prove that the prime minister still has the strong support of the people.

He had claimed that Anwar had no idea how to tackle the country's economic, political and social problems.