Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expresses frustration with the justice system. - NSTP file pic
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expresses frustration with the justice system. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hits out at the government after the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) started to investigate his son over his wealth.

MACC yesterday served businessman Mirzan Mahathir a notice to declare his assets, whether inside or outside the country, within 30 days.

The agency said the notice was issued in relation to the "revelations" obtained from the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers.

In a post on X today, Dr Mahathir claimed his son has also been threatened with imprisonment.

He expressed frustration with the justice system and criticised what he perceived as selective investigation.

He also questioned the apparent lack of accountability for certain figures implicated in the Pandora Papers.

"This is Reformasi. When not in government, they talk about the authorities' oppression. When they are in power, they act even worse to their political opponents.

"If you support (them), you are their friend. Even court proceedings can be halted." he wrote.

At the same time, Dr Mahathir also demanded proof of the accusations leveled against him and emphasised the lack of evidence provided by the current prime minister.

He said he has filed a defamation suit against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, urging for the presentation of evidence in court.

"Despite a year has passed since the lawsuit initiation, no evidence has been presented," he said.