The spat between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former DAP leader Dr. P. Ramasamy continued today with a social media post from the 98-year-old former Prime Minister. - NSTP file pic
The spat between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former DAP leader Dr. P. Ramasamy continued today with a social media post from the 98-year-old former Prime Minister. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: The spat between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former DAP leader Dr. P. Ramasamy continued today with a social media post from the 98-year-old former Prime Minister.

"Ramasamy is a great thinker. He says and I quote, "it takes a bigger, more intensive racist to call another racist.

"So when Ramasamy calls me a racist, it must be because he is 'a bigger, more intensive racist'," Dr Mahathir hit back in their latest exchange of verbal jabs.

Dr Mahathir made this comment following Ramasamy 'thanking' him for calling him a racist.

Ramasamy said that the fact that Dr Mahathir responded to him showed that he had done the right thing.

In response to Dr Mahathir calling him a racist, Ramasamy said this must be a compliment, as it takes 'a bigger, more intensive racist to call another racist'.

'Urimai' is short for 'United for the Rights of Malaysians'. Could it be that the "i" at the end stands for "Indian" and the full name is "United for the Rights of Malaysian Indians"?" Dr Mahathir questioned Ramasamy , who is the current Urimai interim council president, in his latest post today.

He also slammed Ramasamy's recent label of the DAP as a 'fake' multiracial party, suggesting that such sentiments arose only after Ramasamy was not re-nominated as a candidate of the DAP and left the party.

In the Facebook post today titled 'racist', Dr Mahathir further challenged Ramasamy to name any multiracial country with race-based political parties, citing examples from countries like the United States, Australia, and Canada that boast diverse populations without such political divisions.

"Has Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines got race-based political parties?

"They all have people who are not indigenous living there," Dr Mahathir said.

On Aug 10 last year, Ramasamy, who was the former Penang Chief Minister II, left DAP after not being selected as a candidate in the state election

He later formed the United for the Rights of Malaysians (Urimai) political party, of which he is interim council president.

On Jan 13, the two-time prime minister, during the interview, questioned the loyalty of Indians and Chinese, saying that they were "not completely loyal" to Malaysia.

On Jan 14, Ramasamy said Dr Mahathir was the prime architect of the divisive racial and religious policies that have kept ethnic groups apart in the country.