DAP has expressed regret over Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s view that Malaysian Indians and Chinese were not completely loyal to the country.- NSTP file pic
DAP has expressed regret over Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s view that Malaysian Indians and Chinese were not completely loyal to the country.- NSTP file pic

SEBERANG JAYA: DAP has expressed regret over Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's view that Malaysian Indians and Chinese were not completely loyal to the country.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke said all peace-loving Malaysians would never agree with Dr Mahathir's hurtful view, more so the Indian community.

"As a leader and a former statesman, he should not be questioning others' loyalty to the country. I am truly disappointed with Dr Mahathir's attitude.

"In fact, when he was the prime minister back in 1991, he had proposed the Vision 2020, a very good vision to unite all Malaysians and to form a Bangsa Malaysia, where Malaysians from diverse races and religions can live harmoniously.

"Has he forgotten what he had outlined?

"As a former prime minister, he should be bringing a message of peace but instead he is doing the opposite. It is unacceptable. This is regretful," he told newsmen here today.

Loke, who is Transport Minister, said that Dr Mahathir was implementing the assimilation strategy, which was far superior to what he had done as prime minister at the time.

"We are unity in diversity. Despite our differences, we can all live happily together.

"He even introduced the Malaysia Truly Asia tagline to promote Malaysia in the eyes of the world.

"Now, everything is the opposite of what he had preached.

"This is something which should not be happening at all," he added.

Dr Mahathir is of the view that Malaysian Indians and Chinese are not completely loyal to the country as they still wanted to identify themselves with their respective countries of origin.

During an interview with a Chennai-based Indian satellite television channel Thanthi TV, Dr Mahathir, who had twice served as the country's prime minister, also stood by his previous remarks that Malaysia belonged to the people who founded the country.

To another question from the host during the interview who insisted the Malaysian Indians and Chinese were also loyal to the country, Dr Mahathir replied: "Not completely. They want to identify themselves with their countries of origin."