Agriculture and Food Security Ministry’s secretary-general Datuk Lokman Hakim Ali. -NSTP FILE/MIKAIL ONG
Agriculture and Food Security Ministry’s secretary-general Datuk Lokman Hakim Ali. -NSTP FILE/MIKAIL ONG

PUTRAJAYA: The audit against any parties in the padi and rice industry concerning cartel-related issues is carried out based on the findings revealed by the Auditor-General's Report.

Agriculture and Food Security Ministry's secretary-general Datuk Lokman Hakim Ali said the ministry had already initiated audits based on the results and that the audit is still ongoing.

"We have already conducted follow-up actions based on the findings of the report and we will continue to monitor the progress (of the audit), particularly in terms of food security such as rice.

"The audit is also an ongoing process as such matters (cartel-related issues) occur regularly (in the rice and paddy industry).

"We also have a specific committee established (to handle the issue) and we will continue to implement improvements (to address the matter)," he said when met by reporters after the ministry's 2024 new year's mandate, today.

Lokman said this when asked whether the ministry had initiated the audit on cartel-related issues in the padi and rice industry.

Present during the event were Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu and his deputy, Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup.

On Jan 8, Mohamad announced that the ministry was prepared to carry out audits on licence holders involved in rice wholesale, export, import, padi purchase, rice mills and rice retailing, as well as special approval for selling certified paddy seeds to address cartel-related issues.

This, Mohamad reportedly said, was because about 39,000 individuals were involved in the rice and paddy industry.

Through the National Rice and Padi Control Agency, he said that the government conducted investigations and took action based on facts while working in tandem with the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry.