Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Matang. - BERNAMA pic
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Matang. - BERNAMA pic

KUALA LUMPUR: The 'new-look' school toilets, the result of upgrading  by the Education Ministry, has had a positive impact on students, lifting their spirits and injecting them with enthusiam after having to deal with the miserable state of these toilets for so long.

After having to deal with the bad condition of school toilets in these 'neglected' schools for more than a decade, it has taken its toll on the students' studies.

Among others, there are students, for example in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Matang, who are forced to spend more time heading to toilets further away in the next block, thus having to miss learning sessions.

These students had to spend a miserable time for over two years due to the toilet issue, but can now sigh in relief as the toilets have been upgraded at a cost of RM70,000.

"As the women's toilet in Block C is damaged, students have had to go to Block B or E to use the facilities there and this disrupts their learning process as they have to take 15 to 20 minutes to walk to these toilets.

"Although this issue seems trivial, this time wastage causes them to miss some important information being taught during the teaching and learning (PdP) process," school principal Mohd Rani Muda told Bernama.

The school and students are very appreciative of the new-look school toilets, with a modern design comprising black and white tiles with abstract patterns, said Mohd Rani, adding that there is a schedule involving teachers, management staff, students and not just the cleaners, to maintain the cleanliness of toilets.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had raised the issue of dirty school toilets, which he described as a never-ending problem. He called for school toilets to have a new image, thus bringing a positive impact on the well-being of students and this includes disciplining them to maintain cleanliness.

Previously some school toilets were in such a bad state that some users even got injured.

Faced with repeated damage because repair work could not be done comprehensively, the toilet upgrade and maintenance project at the Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Raja Melewar in Negri Sembilan is greatly by appreciated by all there.

"While I have been teaching here for more than 10 years, the management has done repair work but the damage keeps recurring. However, the government has announced a large allocation to repair toilets, so  it can be done comprehensively," said IPG Department of Islamic and Moral Education lecturer Mohd Muhsinul Nidzam Abdullah.

The toilet upgrade at the institution also includes a comfortable ablution room, especially for the toilet in the surau section.

A total of five out of 21 toilets were given a new lease of life which not only focuses on aesthetics, but also on the quality of materials used and on comfort aspects such as focusing on the facilities required for larger-sized individuals in addition to (toilets) being equipped with a shower room.

All this is done for the well-being of students and educators to ensure that they can learn and teach in a comfortable and  safe atmosphere in addition to being more enthusiastic to attend school. – BERNAMA