Through the police report filed by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor’s son Mohd Reza (five from the right) in Tuaran, Nizam said it was hoped that an investigation can be conducted to bring the mastermind to justice. - NSTP/JOHARY INDAN
Through the police report filed by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor’s son Mohd Reza (five from the right) in Tuaran, Nizam said it was hoped that an investigation can be conducted to bring the mastermind to justice. - NSTP/JOHARY INDAN

KOTA KINABALU: The authorities must take appropriate action against the mastermind behind an attempt to tarnish the image of the chief minister by falsely accusing his son of being involved in a drug cartel.

Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah information chief Datuk Nizam Titingan said the posting on social media constitutes a legal offence for making baseless accusations.

"This disgraceful act not only aims to damage the chief minister's image but also the Gagasan and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) led by him.

"Could this dirty tactic be orchestrated by those who previously tried to overthrow the GRS-led state government, failed, and are now financially depleted and desperate, resorting to spreading fabricated stories for political support?

"The irresponsible parties should remember that the people are wise and will undoubtedly reject those using dirty tactics by spreading false accusations," he said in a statement.

Through the police report filed by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor's son Mohd Reza in Tuaran, Nizam said it was hoped that an investigation can be conducted to bring the mastermind to justice