Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says Attorney-General (A-G), being a person who upholds the process of the law, should discontinue cases which are politically-motivated. - NSTP file pic
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says Attorney-General (A-G), being a person who upholds the process of the law, should discontinue cases which are politically-motivated. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in a sarcasm-laden post, has called out the unfairness in investigations on high-profile cases.

In a post on X, Dr Mahathir said politics can never play any part of these investigations as they are conducted by police and other enforcement agencies and end up being referred to the Attorney-General's Chambers.

He said the Attorney-General (A-G), being a person who upholds the process of the law, should discontinue cases which are politically-motivated.

"Corruption must be eradicated at all cost. If the A-G is of the opinion that the accusations are due to politics, it is the right of the A-G not to continue prosecution. Passports should be returned. This is the right of the A-G. The courts must not question the decision of the AG.

"Malaysia truly follows the rule of law. Even a first offender must accept the full force of the rule of law. If whipping is mandatory then the offender must be whipped," he said in a broad reference to many cases.

One case which involved a politician being whipped is Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman who was found guilty on Nov 9 for of four charges to four counts of abetting in criminal breach of trust (CBT), misappropriation of assets and money laundering in a youth wing he had once helmed.

The punishment for Syed Saddiq's offences is applied to male offenders under the age of 5, while female offenders, men sentenced to death and men over the age 50 cannot be whipped. Syed Saddiq is 31.

Dr Mahathir also referred to something Anwar said about people with "Tun" and "Tan Sri" titles and how even if they are suspected of breaking the law, by right, they should be held by the authorities.

"I agree completely that Tuns should be investigated. If they cannot explain where or how they got the money, their property should be seized.

"It is not necessary to obtain documentary evidence of their misdeeds. Suspicions alone should be enough.

"Tuns should not only be investigated. They should also be remanded until they reveal the source of their money. If they don't, it must be because they are hiding," Dr Mahathir said.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner, Tan Sri Azam Baki had said that the commission was investigating former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin for allegations of corruption and money laundering following a seizure of a building- Ilham Tower.

Under the MACC Act, the commission seized the building after an application to the Deputy Public Prosecutor.

A source had also told an English daily that other assets belonging to Daim and his family may also be seized by the MACC following an alleged failure to explain the source of funds to purchase the properties.

Last week, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) seized the Ilham Tower, a building owned by the family of former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.