Transport Minister Anthony Loke. -NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD
Transport Minister Anthony Loke. -NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD

KUALA LUMPUR: The government is planning to upgrade the existing bus stop poles into a covered bus stands at 356 locations in Klang Valley.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke said RM100,000 will be allocated for each pole, totaling RM35.6 million.

"At the moment there is no proper bus stand, only a pole to indicate a bus stop.

"The allocation will be channelled through the Local Government Development Ministry to seven local councils.

"The intention is to make Klang Valley more user friendly for buses," he said in a press conference at the parliament lobby today.

On the same note, he said that the government is looking to expand park and ride facilities around the borders of Kuala Lumpur city to ease private vehicle congestion in the city centre.

Thirty-six new pedestrian platforms will also be constructed for the same reason.

The government will also be hold a High Level Committee meeting with motorcycle associations to discuss fatal road accidents.

Loke said that at least two thirds of the fatal accidents on the road reported last year were related to motorcycles.