Human Resource Minister V. Sivakumar said it is in line with the principle of freedom of association where employees and employers are free to establish or join any trade union of their own choice. NSTP/MOHD FADLI HAMZAH
Human Resource Minister V. Sivakumar said it is in line with the principle of freedom of association where employees and employers are free to establish or join any trade union of their own choice. NSTP/MOHD FADLI HAMZAH

KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat has passed the amendment to the Trade Union Bill (Act 262) to recognise formation of trade unions.

The main objective of the bill tabled by Human Resource Minister V. Sivakumar is to abolish restrictions on the formation of trade unions based on specific establishment or similarity in trade, occupation or industry.

It will also allow for diversity with multiple trade unions in any establishment, trade, occupation or industry.

Sivakumar said it is in line with the principle of freedom of association where employees and employers are free to establish or join any trade union of their own choice.

"The amendment of Act 262 is also to create a legal framework that supports the establishment and administration of mature, progressive and relevant trade unions in addition to ensuring the quality of the protection of workers' rights in Malaysia by taking into account the principles outlined under international labour standards.

"The amendments proposed in the Trade Union Bill will encourage the establishment and membership of trade unions and is expected to increase the coverage of collective agreements among private sector workers in Malaysia.

"This will directly increase the protection and welfare of workers, particularly through the role of trade unions in improving the terms and conditions of employment through collective bargaining," he said when tabling the bill at Dewan Rakyat today.

The amendment involves 36 clauses which include 30 amended clauses, five new clauses and one repealed clause.