KUALA LUMPUR: All police officers holding positions as supervisors are responsible for taking action against their subordinates who engage in misconduct.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said they must be firm and courageous and conduct close monitoring of their staff; and pointed out there had been an increase in cases of misconduct among police officers.

"There is no longer any excuse among supervisors not to take any action against officers involved in misconduct because they want to cover up mistakes and gain popularity by avoiding decisive action.

"It's not just about taking action, but they are not even being reprimanded because there is no courage and firmness," he said during the September 2023 IGP monthly assembly at Bukit Aman, here, today.

Ayob Khan said all directors, police commissioners, state police chiefs, commanders, officers in charge, department heads, and district police chiefs must take decisive action in enforcing regulations without fail.

"Any failure by any senior officers to take action under Regulation 3C, which involves any regulations and violations of discipline involving police officers, will result in action being taken."

He said all police contingents and brigades must not only rely on inspections by the Integrity and Standard Compliance Department (JIPS) and the oversight body from Bukit Aman for conducting inspections.

He said all parties must be consistent, courageous, and firm in enforcing Regulation 3C to ensure effective change in issues of integrity and misconduct within the police force.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said they must be firm and courageous and conduct close monitoring of their staff; and pointed out there had been an increase in cases of misconduct among police officers. -NSTP file pic
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said they must be firm and courageous and conduct close monitoring of their staff; and pointed out there had been an increase in cases of misconduct among police officers. -NSTP file pic