Everyone, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation, must reject all forms of extremism which can undermine interracial and interreligious peace and harmony.- NSTP file pic
Everyone, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation, must reject all forms of extremism which can undermine interracial and interreligious peace and harmony.- NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: A non-governmental organisation (NGO) set up to promote national unity has called on Malaysians to reject politicians out to become ethnic heroes.

1Malaysia Foundation trustee Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said what the country needed was not ethnic heroes but sincere ethnic bridge builders and peace ambassador's who can help foster goodwill, mutual respect, peace and harmony among the people.

He said everyone, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation, must reject all forms of extremism which can undermine interracial and interreligious peace and harmony.

Lee added that it was time for level-headed patriotic citizens including political leaders to stand up and champion for a united Malaysia, based on the five pillars of the Rukun Negara.

"This is not the time for anyone to make incendiary statements which are provocative and can lead to conflict and tension with serious consequences affecting peace, harmony and national unity.

"As responsible, matured politicians, it is their profound duty to work for peace and harmony and refrain from acts of provocation and violence which will result in conflict and chaos," he said in a statement.

Lee added that more ethnic bridge builders were needed to break down the serious divide in the larger interest of improving ethnic relations in the country.

He also lauded the stand taken by the New Straits Times Press (NSTP) to call for a halt to race and religious manipulation in the country.

He said the stand taken by the NSTP was timely and appropriate.

"Multiracial living and community are part of our history and heritage.

"They have become a key source of racial integration for years and have certainly played a part in making Malaysia a harmonious place to live, learn, work and play."

The New Straits Times, along with the Berita Harian and Harian Metro today carried a joint editorial leader piece calling for a halt to racial and religious manipulation.

Read More: NST Leader: End this political nonsense

It was noted that such rhetorics of political expedience had become increasingly common since the 15th General Election.