Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said this was vital considering Myanmar's military regime's continued stance to put up barriers in implementing the 5PC. - Bernama pic
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said this was vital considering Myanmar's military regime's continued stance to put up barriers in implementing the 5PC. - Bernama pic

JAKARTA: Asean Foreign Ministers will propose to the regional bloc's top leaders to continue with its intention to review the Five Point Consensus (5PC) to bring peace and stability in Myanmar.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said this was vital considering Myanmar's military regime's continued stance to put up barriers in implementing the 5PC.

"We looked at the implementation of the 5PC and we find that it is yet to be implemented effectively due to the prohibitions imposed by Myanmar's junta.

"Malaysia and its partners have expressed their opinion that we cannot allow this to happen without any action being taken against Myanmar's junta.

"We will table several proposals at the Asean leaders-level during the summit on further actions which need to be taken based on a review, which has been done based on our efforts to ensure there is effectiveness in our tackling of the Myanmar issue," he told the media here today.

Zambry and his 10 other counterparts from the region attended the Asean Foreign Ministers' Meeting, 27th Asean Political-Security Community Council Meeting, 34th Asean Coordinating Council Meeting and witnessed the signing ceremony of the Instrument of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South East Asia.

The event was held ahead of the 43rd Asean Summits and Related Summits which begins here tomorrow.

The 5PC, which was agreed to in April 2021 following the military coup that ousted the democratically elected government on Feb 1 last year, are: immediate cessation of violence; holding dialogues with all key stakeholders; appointment of a special envoy to facilitate mediation; for the delegation to visit and meet with stakeholders in Myanmar; and to allow Asean to provide humanitarian assistance to people in Myanmar.

Zambry said he was disappointed with the extension of the emergency period in Myanmar following the prolonged political crisis in the country.

"I had also expressed my worries on reports regarding the decline in tha country's economy, continued violence and the limited humanitarian access, and I have urged for Asean to be more strict in finding a solution to the Myanmar crisis," he said.

On the 27th Asean Political-Security Community Council Meeting today, he said the regional leaders discussed the developments and efforts in tackling transboundary crime, including job scam syndicates, which have seen Malaysians and other nationalities falling victim to such cases.

"Malaysia brought the issue of job scam syndicates in the previous meeting and this time, it was made into one of the agenda in the Asean Political-Security Community Council Meeting.

"We presented several proposals for the best form of cooperation among Asean members in efforts to tackle the problem of job scams. Malaysia continues to receive good cooperation from several countries which experience the same problem, including Cambodia, the Philippines and Thailand."

He said Malaysia continued to be thankful for the assistance given by the countries involved in cases of transboundary crime.On the signing of the Instrument of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South East Asia, Zambry said it saw the inclusion of three new countries - Kuwait, Panama and Serbia- supporting the treaty.

"This means these countries accept all the principles contained in the treaty. "The treaty, which is a legally-binding code for relations between Asean countries and countries beyond, currently has 51 countries which are high contracting parties.

On a separate issue, Zambry said Malaysia, as coordinator for Asean-Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in October, had also briefed his counterparts at today's meeting about developments in the upcoming event.

He said in his speech he emphasised Asean unity and harmony, and the importance of development of the Asean community for regional stability, sustainability and maintaining peace.

"Unity and harmony is important within Asean, especially as it positions itself as an architect for regional stability and building an Asean community," he said.