Kuala Lumpur Police Chief, Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain (centre) witnesses the handing over of duties by Kuala Lumpur's Acting Deputy Chief of Police, Senior Assistant Commissioner Habibi Majinji (left) and the new Kuala Lumpur Deputy Police Chief, Deputy Commissioner Datuk Azry Akmar Ayob, at the at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters. -NSTP/FATHIL ASRI.
Kuala Lumpur Police Chief, Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain (centre) witnesses the handing over of duties by Kuala Lumpur's Acting Deputy Chief of Police, Senior Assistant Commissioner Habibi Majinji (left) and the new Kuala Lumpur Deputy Police Chief, Deputy Commissioner Datuk Azry Akmar Ayob, at the at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters. -NSTP/FATHIL ASRI.

KUALA LUMPUR: All district police chiefs in Kuala Lumpur have been instructed to perform more on-the-ground duties and less commanding.

This is to ensure that each district police chief has a better understanding of issues occurring in their areas while also improving their service delivery to the community.

Kuala Lumpur Police Chief, Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said a district police chief in Kuala Lumpur should not just give orders.

"In the past three months of my service in Kuala Lumpur, I can say that there are many things that need to be improved, and I am not ashamed to say that we (KL Police) are still failing and will continue to fail if things do not change.

"This is due to the fact that there are still officers who are unaware of the situation on the ground and the need to progress, particularly in terms of integrity," he said at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters here, today.

Earlier, Mohd Shuhaily witnessed the Kuala Lumpur Deputy Police Chief's handover ceremony involving Kuala Lumpur's Acting Deputy Chief of Police, Senior Assistant Commissioner Habibi Majinji and the new Kuala Lumpur Deputy Police Chief, Deputy Commissioner Datuk Azry Akmar Ayob.

Mohd Shuhaily said he no longer wanted his district police chiefs to only give orders, instead, they should work together with their men to achieve what was envisioned by the Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Razarudin Husain.

Razarudin's mission and vision are pivoted on good governance and integrity and to empower their service delivery towards the community.

He said Bukit Aman is in the midst of identifying any of its officers who were living beyond their means.

"Last week, the IGP announced an effort to 'profile' senior officers and members who carry out duties outside their jurisdiction. You know who you are.

"If someone is carrying out matters outside the scope of the police's duties, I will not compromise with misconduct regardless of who he is," he said.

"If there are any officers or members of the Kuala Lumpur Police who act outside of the scope of a police officer, please stop.

"As a leader, I would like to remind everyone that change is inevitable, that we must accept it, and we cannot avoid it," he said.

Shuhaily said that several things needed to be improved to ensure that his team was not labeled as a failure.

He said one person's failure in a team would affect the whole team's performance.

"We will (then) continue to fail because of an officer's ignorance of their need to break bad habits and perform better.