International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-Asia Pacific) director Mary Shanthi Dairiam said with a supportive environment, female athletes and coaches will feel secure pursuing their sport. - NSTP file pic
International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-Asia Pacific) director Mary Shanthi Dairiam said with a supportive environment, female athletes and coaches will feel secure pursuing their sport. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: The introduction of the Safe Sports Code will instil confidence in female athletes and coaches to perform according to their highest standards.

This was prompted by the declaration about the code made by the Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh on March 11.

International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-Asia Pacific) director Mary Shanthi Dairiam said with a supportive environment, female athletes and coaches will feel secure pursuing their sport.

"The presence of the code will thereafter support their ability to pursue their aspirations of becoming elite athletes to the fullest extent possible.

"This allows them to enjoy the right to be free of cruel and degrading treatment.

"Women tend to get demotivated by the absence of a safe environment, which will make them pull back to appease the patriarchal aspects of the sporting field." she said, adding that there was a the need to follow the code's standards at every step of the process and be transparent on how complaints are handled.

"If the code is effectively implemented, it will stop hostile sports environments from causing trauma to female athletes and coaches that lead them to leave their chosen careers.

"Preventing trauma and preserving the dignity of women in the field of sports is an enabling factor for their right to equality of women.

"This will comply with the obligation of the government under the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw) acceded to Malaysia in 1995."

Earlier, Yeoh stated that a new Safe Sports Code will be officially announced this Wednesday.

The code includes safety aspects against sexual harassment, bullying and violence among men and women in the sports arena.

The ministry has now prepared to fully implement the code to manage allegations of sexual harassment in the sports industry before it is eventually replaced by the Safe Sports Act. It was previously in the research phase.