Umno president, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the terms for such a direction and ensuing success of 'Bangkit 2.0' or "Rise 2.0 " is for the party's leadership including candidates contesting to close ranks, come together and to put differences aside in order to build on each other's strength collectively. - NSTP/ASWADI ALIAS.
Umno president, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the terms for such a direction and ensuing success of 'Bangkit 2.0' or "Rise 2.0 " is for the party's leadership including candidates contesting to close ranks, come together and to put differences aside in order to build on each other's strength collectively. - NSTP/ASWADI ALIAS.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno needs to move collectively so that the party rise again especially during the upcoming state elections and for the next general election.

Umno president, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the terms for such a direction and ensuing success of 'Bangkit 2.0' or "Rise 2.0 " is for the party's leadership including candidates contesting to close ranks, come together and to put differences aside in order to build on each other's strength collectively.

He said he is placing high hopes that all of the party's top leadership at national level including the respective wings and movements can work together to realise the direction that needs to be taken.

Ahmad Zahid added that such a goal must be continuously pursued so that Umno can remain relevant even though the party is part of the Unity Government at present.

He stressed that such an approach was pivotal in ensuring that Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno can return to their winning ways for the upcoming state elections and for the next General Election.

"I am confident that we can rebuild and become strong once again, provided we can be united and if we can put aside our differences.

"I am confident that for the upcoming state elections involving six states and for the next General Election in five years time, Insya-Allah Umno and BN will become relevant once again," he said.

He said this when delivering his speech at a ceremony to announce the candidates for Umno election at the Seri Pacific Hotel tonight.

Speaking on the party's selection process, Ahmad Zahid said it showcased democracy in Umno.

He stressed that what is important and should be focused on by candidates who are contesting is to spread the spirit of Umno as a united family and not by taking sides or factions.

"I am of the opinion that if it has been said in the media that there are three categories of candidates contesting, I want to stress that what is most important is to contest as an Umno Malaysia candidate, where there are no groups or factions.

"What I mean is not just at Puteri, Pemuda and Wanita but among leaders at national level, We must be one strong team, a team that is bonded together," he said.