Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah and members of the House observing a moment of silence yesterday for the victims of the Batang Kali landslide and the earthquake that struck Turkiye and Syria. BERNAMA PIC
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah and members of the House observing a moment of silence yesterday for the victims of the Batang Kali landslide and the earthquake that struck Turkiye and Syria. BERNAMA PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has urged everyone to heed Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah's call to focus on rebuilding the country's economy.

Anwar said the king had also decreed that the country's political turmoil should cease.

"The king's decree was about the prolonged political problems, which must be stopped, and how we must focus on efforts to revive the economy.

"This is something that all parties must adhere to," Anwar said on Twitter when commenting on the king's speech at the opening of the second term of the 15th Parliament yesterday.

Al-Sultan Abdullah said in his speech that he welcomed the consensus among leaders of the unity government, which was in line with his desire for a stable government.

He also said the consensus would allow the government to focus on maintaining stability and generate economic growth, which would help the wellbeing of the people.

Deputy Housing and Local Government Development Minister Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir said the government's focus now was to solve the people's woes.

"We want to make the situation better than before. This will also be our priority this Parliament session," he said.

Sembrong member of parliament Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein described Al-Sultan Abdullah's decree as a rallying call to close ranks and focus on the people's needs.

"I hope all parties will focus on addressing the people's issues, especially the cost of living, economy and education. All this must be done while upholding unity, stability, sincerity, honesty and integrity.

"Stability and unity are the basis of everything. The king's decree was based on integrity, sincerity and a responsibility towards his subjects. People have a very high level of trust in their king, and that is something I value," said Hishammuddin.

Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau expressed his gratitude to Al-Sultan Abdullah for his attention to Sabah and Sarawak.

"Thank you so much for your attention on development, not only in the peninsula, but also in Sabah and Sarawak, especially in relation to the Pan Borneo Highway," he said.

Ampang MP Rodziah Ismail said Al-Sultan Abdullah wanted to remind leaders and people of various races to respect each other and live in harmony.

Petaling Jaya MP Lee Chean Chung hoped the new year would bring recovery to the economy, and spur sustainable development.

He said it was pertinent for leaders on both sides of the political divide to serve the people based on the aspirations of Malaysia Madani, especially amid the economic challenges.

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil urged government and opposition MPs to make optimal use of the debates in Parliament to give their input to help the people and nation.

"I hope the royal address can be comprehended, understood in depth and further discussed.

"I hope our MPs can play their role in the debate, avoid mockery, think about the people and talk about policies that can develop the country," he told Bernama at the Parliament lobby here.

The Dewan Rakyat will sit until March 30.

The debate on the royal address will be for five days from today, before the winding up by ministers on Feb 22 and 23.