Aid was distributed to residents of Tanjung Sedili, here, who had suffered losses after a heavy storm and strong winds recently. - NSTP/ ZAINAL AZIZ
Aid was distributed to residents of Tanjung Sedili, here, who had suffered losses after a heavy storm and strong winds recently. - NSTP/ ZAINAL AZIZ

KOTA TINGGI: Aid was distributed to residents of Tanjung Sedili, here, who had suffered losses after a heavy storm and strong winds recently.

Several homes had their roofs blown away and uprooted trees blocked roads.

Fortunately, aid was distributed and gotong-royong organised to help the residents repair their homes and clean up their surroundings.

"We are grateful that many came forward to help out. This shows Malaysians always rise to the occasion whenever needed," said Armada Bersatu Johor chief Muhammad Shamsuddin Paijan.


Kota Tinggi Armada division head Hasnolhadi Sebalas and state assemblyman Rasman Ithnain also visited regularly to ensure all necessary help was extended to residents.