Norly (left) accompanying her mother-in-law receiving the Covid-19 vaccine injection at her house located in Kampung Tombongon. - NSTP/Yun Mikail
Norly (left) accompanying her mother-in-law receiving the Covid-19 vaccine injection at her house located in Kampung Tombongon. - NSTP/Yun Mikail

KOTA KINABALU: Norman Vester Josoh is thankful for the house-to-house vaccination programme held at Kampung Tombongon, Manggatal near here.

He said his 94-year-old grandmother has difficulty walking while Norman's disabled eldest brother has epilepsy.

"So far, my grandmother has not suffered from a chronic illness but her movement has started to be limited. Now, she only limits her movement around our house.

"Therefore, we as a family welcome the efforts of all parties involved in implementing the vaccination programme from house-to-house, especially in rural areas," he said when met at his home.

Another villager, Norly Yakim, 46, said such an approach made it easier for her mother-in-law, Kampadit Sambang, 88, to be vaccinated.

"It's a good effort and needs to be continued especially for the community who live far from the city.

"My mother-in-law is old and has high blood pressure, as well as having mobility difficulties.

"She was excited to get the injection after being informed by her husband a few days ago," he said, adding Kampadit did not experience any side effects after the vaccination.

The vaccination programme was held in conjunction with the Kota Kinabalu District Covid-19 Immunisation Outreach Program which is organised by the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK), Information Department, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force and the Health Ministry.

Those villages in the house-to-house programme are Kampung Talungan, Kolosunan, Babagon Toki, Kiansom Kecil, Pinahawon and Ruminding.

There were also more than 1,000 residents from Kampung Talungan, Natai, Natai Baru, Bunsut and Lawa Mondou who also walked in to get their respective Covid-19 vaccine jabs.