Volintine (centre) with his siblings Josephine (right) and Jennifer holding up photos of their late parents who embraced Islam. - NSTP/YUN MIKAIL.
Volintine (centre) with his siblings Josephine (right) and Jennifer holding up photos of their late parents who embraced Islam. - NSTP/YUN MIKAIL.

PUTATAN: For Volintine Jiloh who is a Christian, it is normal to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri with his family members.

The 51-year-old from Kampung Sungai Labuan in Kuala Penyu said his late parents and four sisters embraced Islam, which made it normal for them to celebrate Hari Raya together.

"It is not something strange because it has become a routine to gather with my parents and siblings every time the month of Syawal arrives.

"Even after my parents died and before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, all of us still did the same thing like going back to our village, visiting our Muslim friends and family in the village," he said, adding that such a gathering was the most awaited moment for them.

Volintine's family members cleaning up the graves of their Muslim grandparents. - NSTP/YUN MIKAIL
Volintine's family members cleaning up the graves of their Muslim grandparents. - NSTP/YUN MIKAIL

Volintine, who is the youngest and only son in the family, added the togetherness that exists between family members makes them feel like there is no difference and they still respect their respective religions.

"Our late father and mother never compared us just because of religion because no matter what happens, they are still our parents and we are all still siblings.

"Apart from celebrating Syawal, my sisters and I will organise kenduri and give alms to the mosque or surau on behalf of our late parents," he said adding other siblings also contributed in terms of monetary or manpower.

Volintine's siblings also often returned to the village to visit the graves of their mother and father which are located not far from their family home.

His sister Josephine Jiloh, 52, said they would hire someone to recite Surah Yassin for their parents should none of their Muslim siblings were around.