A screengrab taken from APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 virtual meeting shows APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 Chair Datuk Ruben Ghanalingam speaking during the opening of APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - EPA pic
A screengrab taken from APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 virtual meeting shows APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 Chair Datuk Ruben Ghanalingam speaking during the opening of APEC CEO Dialogues 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - EPA pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Climate change and preservation of the environment should be among the priorities of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) from now on, said APEC CEO Dialogues Malaysia 2020 chair Datuk Ruben Emir Gnanalingam.

In making the call at the opening of the two-day virtual dialogues, he said the agenda would help the region achieve the goals of clean energy, ocean, as well less carbon and waste.

He said the unusual circumstances face this year has given APEC the opportunity to host the most climate-friendly summit to date.

"With the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, the APEC CEO Dialogues this year will be delivered to you in a brand, new virtual format," Ruben said.

In the original format, he estimated that an in-person attendance of 2,000 participant would generate 8,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and almost 4,000 trees need to be planted to make the summit carbon neutral, translating into an average 200 trees per participant.

This year's dialogues event themed "APEC Re-Imagined: Priorities in the Aftermath of Covid-19" is both significant and timely as the region's gross domestic product is expected to contract by 2.7 per cent this year.

Meanwhile, APEC Business Advisory Council 2020 (ABAC) chair Datuk Rohana Mahmood said times of challenge, which caused severe disruption and restriction, were also times for opportunity.

She said ABAC is working resolutely on the shared vision and blueprint of APEC leaders towards economic recovery and resilient based on integration, innovation and inclusion.

ABAC Malaysia hosts this year's virtual APEC CEO Dialogues. -- BERNAMA