Shoppers trying to get their hands on hand sanitisers on sale at a supermarket in Papar today. Pix courtesy of NST reader
Shoppers trying to get their hands on hand sanitisers on sale at a supermarket in Papar today. Pix courtesy of NST reader

KOTA KINABALU: Despite the Movement Control Order (MCO) entering its fifth day, some Malaysians have yet to grasp its seriousness.

Some also fail to practise social distancing, seemingly unaware that the reason to do so is to break the transmission of Covid-19.

In Papar, people thronged a supermarket here when the premises advertised the availability of hand sanitisers.

District Police Chief deputy Superintendent Batholomew Umpit was quoted in Berita RTM Sabah Facebook Page saying that police contacted the management of the supermarket over the crowding at their establishment.

“The supermarket was told to close at 11.30am by the Papar local authority.”

Shoppers at a supermarket in Papar today. Pix courtesy of NST reader
Shoppers at a supermarket in Papar today. Pix courtesy of NST reader

In Kudat, a wedding celebration took place with the presence of 30 guests. They were subsequently told to disperse by the authorities.

Kudat police chief Superintendent Mohd Firdaus Francis Abdullah confirmed the wedding gathering as police were alerted by motorists while conducting roadblocks.

“Upon reaching the location, the monitoring team met with the hosts to stop the celebration following the imposition of the MCO which is in effect until March 31.”

Meanwhile, in Tawau, district police chief Assistant Commissioner Peter Umbuas said security in the district had been tightened, as is the entry point that connects Kunak, Semporna and Kalabakan.

“Besides roadblocks, the marine police and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency personnel are also monitoring the waters to prevent crime, especially smuggling activities.

"We have also placed our personnel in several strategic locations including rat lanes that could be used by criminal elements.”

In Kota Kinabalu, Luyang assemblyman Ginger Phoong is working with community development leaders to establish a more secured system to prevent overcrowding at the Foh Sang wet market.

“There is only one entrance for the morning market, and only 30 people can enter at one time with the rest being placed in the waiting area to practice safe social distancing.

“There are staff taking body temperature and reminding everyone to wear a mask. If you do not wear a mask, you cannot enter.” -- Additional reporting by Abdul Rahemang Taiming.
