Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Tuanku Munawir said Malaysians are capable of thinking critically and rationally to uphold peace and security in the country.
Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Tuanku Munawir said Malaysians are capable of thinking critically and rationally to uphold peace and security in the country.

KUALA PILAH: There's a need for everyone to learn from unfortunate events of armed and prolong conflict, bloodshed, turmoil and chaos in other countries.

Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Tuanku Munawir said Malaysians are capable of thinking critically and rationally to uphold peace and security in the country.

"In fact, the sovereignty of the country wasn't achieved easily. Appreciation should be given to all national fighters and security forces who had shed sweat, tears and blood, for the sovereignty and security of this country.

"The people here are made up of many different races, religions and cultures. Be careful in what we strive and fight for, do not forget the values of the people and the sensitivity of other races.

"I urge all citizens to be proud of being a Malaysian who always work hard to create a lasting unity and harmony," he said at the investiture ceremony for state honours, awards and medals in conjunction with his 72nd birthday in Seri Menanti Palace, here, today.

Also present were Tunku Ampuan Besar Negri Sembilan Tuanku Aishah Rohani Almarhum Tengku Besar Mahmud and his majesty's two princes Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku Ali Redhauddin and Tunku Datuk Seri Zain Al-'Abidin.

Tuanku Muhriz said, one of the keys to maintaining unity and harmony was to provide early exposure to the younger generation to mix and mingle with peers of various races.

"Many types of activities and programmes can be created for the younger generation of various races to collaborate and communicate such as through sports activities, co-curriculum activities and more.

"We believe that early exposure like this can directly encourage young people to live together and to stay connected besides understanding other races' culture and religion, "he said.

Tuanku Muhriz also emphasised on the need for all citizens to understand the practices and culture of all races in the country.

"Malaysians should take part in any festivals celebrated by various races in the country accordingly.

"In addition, the practice of helping one another regardless of race and religion is important because it will strengthen the bond of friendship among the people.

"In this way, the community will become more aware and will further strengthen unity and understanding of race, religion and culture among the people," he said.

Tuanku Muhriz also congratulated the Negri Sembilan state government for achieving RM556 million in revenue for 2019, surpassing the RM430 million target set earlier last year.

"Initiatives introduced in 2019 have also been successful. The state government's continued efforts for the well-being of the people are clearly translated into the Ninth Budget for the year 2020 with the theme" Sustaining the Economy, Prospering the Rakyat," he said.

"Going into 2020, another milestone achieved is the merger of Nilai Municipal Council and Seremban Municipal Council to become Seremban City Council (SCC). This recognition clearly reflects the progress and maturity of the administration and management as a city-based local authority (PBT) is established in Negri Sembilan.

"We sincerely hope that, as a city-based local authority, the SCC administration will be willing to take on greater responsibility by always ensuring the quality of infrastructure and service provision with the recognition it receives," he said.

During the ceremony, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s (UKM) board of director Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar led the 444 recipients of awards, receiving the Darjah Seri Setia Negeri Sembilan Yang Amat Cemerlang (SNSS) award, which carries the title Datuk Seri.

Also receiving the same award is director of the International Science Council (ISC) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), Proffesor Emeritus Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman.

A total of 14 recipients received the Darjah Datuk Paduka Negeri Sembilan (DPNS) award, Darjah Setia Tuanku Muhriz Yang Amat Gemilang (3), Darjah Setia Bakti Negeri Sembilan (20), Darjah Se

tia Negeri Sembilan (17), Darjah Tuanku Muhriz (1), Darjah Pekerti Terpilih (13), Ahli Setia Negeri Sembilan (52), Setiawan Tuanku Muhriz (2), Pingat Khidmat Cemerlang Masyarakat (107), Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (180), Bentara Tuanku Muhriz (180) and 15 recipients of the Pingat Khidmat Lama.