Muslim NGO Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YAPEIM) today gave out food assistance to 200 underprivileged individuals staying near mosques in 11 areas here.
Muslim NGO Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YAPEIM) today gave out food assistance to 200 underprivileged individuals staying near mosques in 11 areas here.

ALOR STAR: Muslim NGO Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YAPEIM) today gave out food assistance to 200 underprivileged individuals staying near mosques in 11 areas here.

Among the mosques that became the centre point to disperse the aid included mosques at Kampung Benuar, Batu 3, Kampung Hujung Alor and Batu 5 ½ Langgar.

Yapeim’s Socio-Economic Development and Infaq Fund Senior Director Mohammad Zamri Zakaria said this was part of Yapeim’s Foodbank Aid 1.0 and Sinar Kasih Programme.

“The Foodbank 1.0 programme is a new initiative to help those in the B40 categories. It has been running since August this year

“The food aid provided in the programme comes in the form of dry food items such as rice, sugar, cooking oil, sardines, flour and biscuits.

“The recipients were identified by the local mosques of a district, state’s Zakat department and the district offices.

“Sinar Kasih programme is an aid programme to help children who have lost their families through accidents or other catastrophes. These children will receive RM200 monthly for a year,” he said.

He said Yapeim identified the children from media reports and will visit the children to help them. University students from the underprivileged B40 group were also eligible to receive the food aid.

To date, the 91,370 individuals have benefitted from Yapeim’s food bank programme valued at RM1,873,860.