Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia have been identified as new potential markets to import Malaysian palm oil, said Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok (second right) today. BERNAMA
Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia have been identified as new potential markets to import Malaysian palm oil, said Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok (second right) today. BERNAMA

JEMPOL: Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia have been identified as new potential markets to import Malaysian palm oil, said Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok today.

She said efforts to promote Malaysian palm oil to both countries are expected to take place soon, pending visits to both countries by the ministry’s deputy minister, Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, next week.

She said the two countries were among the government’s initial targets to tap into new palm oil markets as a long-term move to promote the country’s commodities.

“Deputy Minister (Shamsul Iskandar) will attend a palm oil seminar in Saudi Arabia before visiting Ethiopia.

“These two countries are new markets and we will try to promote our palm oil there,” she said after launching the Palm Oil Cooking Competition Program (LMPOCC) in conjunction with Malaysia’s Palm Oil campaign 2019 here today.

Present were Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) chief executive officer, Chew Jit Seng and Havys Oil Mill Sdn Bhd chairman Datuk Lim Kin Eng.

Teresa also said efforts to promote the country’s palm oil will also be assisted by other ministries during official visits abroad.

“Defense Minister Mohamad Sabu said he will help attract Russia and Iran to buy palm oil when he attends meetings related to his ministry in both countries.

“This is also a new market for Malaysia, and I am confident it will contribute to the government’s initiative to increase palm oil exports to foreign countries,” she said.

Asked on the government’s efforts to foster bilateral relations between China and Malaysia, she said the move can contribute to the increase in exports of local commodities.

“The Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and the ministry will also hold various programs and investments in order to attract more companies from China to come and invest in Malaysia and buy Malaysian palm oil for their market," she added.