More than 1,000 hectare of padi fields here have been affected by the month-long drought. (NSTP Archive)
More than 1,000 hectare of padi fields here have been affected by the month-long drought. (NSTP Archive)

KOTA BELUD: More than 1,000 hectare of padi fields here have been affected by the month-long drought.

The district Integrated Agriculture Development Area director Salmah Labulla said the affected areas were Botung 1 and 2, South Tempasuk Scheme and Kesapang (Mile 6).

She said there was no surface water resource nearby and the underground water level was to low to be pumped out.

At present, the padi field project here involved more than 8,000 hectares.

Farmers at Kampung Sangkir and Tempasuk 2 were worried that the drought would dry up the soil and affect their padi yields.

"For short term planning, we are providing portable pumps to affected areas while for those who are yet to start cultivating padi, they are encouraged to rehabilitate their fields first," said Salmah.

"As for medium term planning, we are looking at constructing a water reservoir and delaying the cultivation period."

She that they were also looking at using padi strains which use less water, digging more wells and constructing dams as a long term measure to address the problems faced by the padi farmers.