Penang police chief Datuk A. Thaiveegan said voters should refrain from getting involved in unlawful activities that could lead to unrest during the election period. Pix by Ramdzan Masiam
Penang police chief Datuk A. Thaiveegan said voters should refrain from getting involved in unlawful activities that could lead to unrest during the election period. Pix by Ramdzan Masiam

GEORGE TOWN: Don't break the law or spread rumours during 14th General Election (GE14), Penang police warned today.

State police chief Datuk A. Thaiveegan said voters should refrain from getting involved in unlawful activities that could lead to unrest during the election period.

He said police have identified 39 hotspots and 35 flashpoint areas in the state, based on experiences from past elections.

He however refused to reveal the locations.

“Eventhough there are hotspots and flashpoint areas, this does not mean that we will give less attention to the rest of the areas. We will monitor everything closely to ensure the safety of the people.

“Penang police are 100 per cent ready to face the GE14,” he added.

Thaiveegan also said that the people should not be afraid of casting their votes on polling day as police would be around to ensure their safety.

“Don't worry, our men have been given proper training and knowledge about the running of the elections,” he said during a visit to the Penang Hospital today, in conjunction with the Police Day celebration.

He added that more than 2,000 policemen will be stationed throughout nomination day and the campaign period.

"On voting day, 6,000 policemen will be on duty.” he added.