(File pix) Perak Forestry Department director Datuk Mohamed Zin Yusop. Pix courtesy of Perak Forestry Department
(File pix) Perak Forestry Department director Datuk Mohamed Zin Yusop. Pix courtesy of Perak Forestry Department

IPOH: The Perak Forestry Department recently uncovered encroachment activities at two forest reserves in the state - Bintang Hijau in Hulu Perak and Simpang Pulau Kelumpang in Larut Matang Selama.

Its director Datuk Mohamed Zin Yusop said the encroachment at Bintang Hijau forest reserve was detected last Sunday while the same activity was also discovered the next day at Simpan Pulau Kelumpang forest reserve.

"A total of 29 types of wood have been cut off at Bintang Hijau forest reserve and our enforcement team also found a four-wheel drive left abandoned at the site during the raid.

"We believe there are quarters who have carried out this illegal activity by cutting off and processing the wood at the area," he said in a statement today.

Mohamed Zin said the enforcement team had picked up two men including a foreigner while conducting a raid at Simpan Pulau Kelumpang forest reserve.

"The men were on a sampan which laden with mangrove wood. We believe they have no valid licenses or documents for conducting such activity.

"The local man was released on police bail while the foreigner has been remanded for 14 days beginning yesterday," he added.

Both cases are being investigated under the National Forestry Act Enactment 1984 which carries a maximum sentence of five years' jail or a fine of up to RM50,000, or both, upon conviction.

"We will complete the investigation paper as soon as possible before referring the case to the Perak Prosecution Office.

"We will continue strengthening our enforcement by conducting frequent checks especially at hotspot areas to ensure that our forest reserves remain untouched," he added.