Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki greeting Malaysian pilgrims.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki greeting Malaysian pilgrims.

ARAFAH: Malaysian pilgrims, gathered here for the most auspicious day in Islam and highlight of Haj, today prayed for Malaysia’s continued stability, security and progress.

This year’s Wukuf on 9 Zulhijjah, coincides with Malaysia’s National Day on August 31.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, who delivered the Arafah sermon at one of the pilgrim tents here, led the pilgrims in the doa.

“O Allah, we ask that you keep our nation blessed with stability, prosperity and security. Glorify us, our families and relations, and our leaders, with praiseworthy values.

“We are grateful for the progress we have attained as a result of our independence and the wisdom of the leaders you graced us with.”

The congregation also prayed to Allah to forgive their sins, to protect the Ummah, and for continued unity, peace and harmony among Malaysians.

Earlier in the sermon, Asyraf said Haj is the ultimate expression of equality before God, where all pilgrims dress in the same white pieces of cloth, regardless of their background, race, nationality, or wealth.

“There is no other gathering of Muslims or any other religion in the world as large as the Haj pilgrimage and Wukuf in Arafah.

“This unity of the Ummah should be translated in our society, that Islam is above tribal boundaries, political affiliations and narrow ideologies,” Asyraf said.

Wukuf, or being present in Arafah on 9 Zulhijjah, is an obligatory part of the Haj pilgrimage. Pilgrims who repent and supplicate to God on this day, it is said, will be forgiven for all their past sins.

After the sermon, pilgrims withdraw by themselves or in groups and recite prayers and doa until sundown.

They leave Arafah after sundown and head for Muzdalifah, where they will spend the night under the open sky before heading for Mina.

Earlier yesterday, more than 1,000 pilgrims also participated in the World #QuranHour programme, reading the Quran for one hour as a symbolic gesture to promote reading and understanding of the Holy Book.