“A few key witnesses will be called to record their statements this week. We will update who will be called… it starts today and will continue until end of the week,” he told a press conference after participating in Berita Harian’s “Rasuah – Cabaran Bagi Wanita” forum today. Pic by NSTP/ROSELA ISMAIL
“A few key witnesses will be called to record their statements this week. We will update who will be called… it starts today and will continue until end of the week,” he told a press conference after participating in Berita Harian’s “Rasuah – Cabaran Bagi Wanita” forum today. Pic by NSTP/ROSELA ISMAIL

KUALA LUMPUR: Key witnesses will be called for questioning to assist investigations into Felda Investment Corporation’s (FIC) purchase of a luxury hotel in Kuching, Sarawak.

Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Zulkifli Ahmad said the questioning process will begin from today until end of the week.

“We are currently completing the investigation paper on FIC, namely the hotel purchase in Sarawak as it only involves documents and witnesses in the country.

“A few key witnesses will be called to record their statements this week. We will update who will be called… it starts today and will continue until end of the week,” he told a press conference after participating in Berita Harian’s “Rasuah – Cabaran Bagi Wanita” forum today.

FIC’s 2014 purchase of the Kuching hotel, which features 213 guest rooms and apartment suites, had raised suspicions of corruption and abuse of power.

It is alleged that FIC paid between RM40 million and RM50 million more than the actual market value of the hotel.

Meanwhile, commenting on FIC’s hotel purchase in London case, Zulkifli said it may take some time to be completed.

Zulkifli clarified that an investigation paper was never been opened back in 2014 when the issue was first raised due to weak evidence.

However, Zulkifli said when he was appointed chief commissioner, he reviewed the case once again and at the same time, received new information arising from the FGV investigation involving power abuse and corruption.

The MACC chief announced earlier last month that the MACC was investigating the purchase based on initial reports that the hotel was bought above the market price, causing millions of ringgit in losses to the investment arm of the plantations giant.

The four-star Park City Hotel in Kensington, comprising 62 guest rooms and two three-bedroom serviced apartments, was reportedly overpaid by at least £20 million (RM110 million).

It was reported that FIC had bought the hotel for £98 million (RM543 million) in 2014.


Keywords: Key witnesses, Felda Investment Corporation, FIC, Kuching hotel, Sarawak, MACC, Zulkifli Ahmad