MCA Seremban chief Siow Koi Voon (third from left) with party leaders pointing at the defaced banner. Courtesy pix.
MCA Seremban chief Siow Koi Voon (third from left) with party leaders pointing at the defaced banner. Courtesy pix.

SEREMBAN: MCA Seremban members were left fuming mad today when vandals defaced three of its banners here, which depicted MCA party leaders wishing Malaysians Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Fathers' Day and a blessed Ramadan.

MCA Seremban chief Siow Koi Voon lambasted the irresponsible act, which he said also highlights the brand of unhealthy politics practised by certain quarters.

"This act of vandalism is reprehensible. We call on the police to investigate the matter as a picture of MCA Youth leader Datuk Chong Sin Woon was also smeared," he told reporters here today.