The International Islamic Science University (Usim) has formulated a novel way of helping the hearing impaired understand the ‘Raya takbir’ (Eid announcement/ prayer) – by coming up with a sign language version.
The International Islamic Science University (Usim) has formulated a novel way of helping the hearing impaired understand the ‘Raya takbir’ (Eid announcement/ prayer) – by coming up with a sign language version.

NILAI: The International Islamic Science University (Usim) has formulated a novel way of helping the hearing impaired understand the ‘Raya takbir’ (Eid announcement/ prayer) – by coming up with a sign language version.

The idea was conceptualised by Usim and various associations, including Yayasan Faqeh, Persatuan Orang Pekak Negri Sembilan (Nesda), Persatuan Orang Pekak Islam Malaysia (Prisma), Sahabat Faqeh Usim and Daie Pekak.

A demonstration of the sign language Raya takbir was led by Usim lecturer Dr Anuar Hasin; Vice Chancellor-Professor Datuk Dr Musa Ahmad; Pusat Islam director Dr Khairul Anuar Mohamad; and 30 students and participants.

Usim strategic communications officer Mohd Zaini Othman said the initiative is part of Usim's efforts to foster a closer relationship between the university, the disabled (OKU) community and the public at large.

Usim had previously organised similar programmes dedicated to the disabled, such as an OKU concert, an OKU prayer session, a Friday sermon interpreted by a sign language instructor, as well as the introduction of the Braille Al Quran.

The sign language Raya takbir was officially launched on Usim’s YouTube channel on the eve of Hari Raya on Saturday.