Johor Immigration director Datuk Mohd Rusdi Mohd Darus showing some of the things seized from a syndicate which has been smuggling Myanmar nationals into the country and providing them with fake United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees cards. NSTP/IZZ LAILY HUSSEIN
Johor Immigration director Datuk Mohd Rusdi Mohd Darus showing some of the things seized from a syndicate which has been smuggling Myanmar nationals into the country and providing them with fake United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees cards. NSTP/IZZ LAILY HUSSEIN

JOHOR BARU: The state Immigration Department has crippled an international human trafficking syndicate headed by a Myanmar agent.

The syndicate is also believed to be responsible for producing fake "Arakan Refugee Relief Committee" cards with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees stamp, which purportedly allows the cardholder to remain in Malaysia legally.

The card was sold for RM5,000 to the foreigners.

The syndicate used "rat lanes", or ungazetted routes, by sea to smuggle in the Myanmar nationals.

Their main target was the Arakan ethnic minority, with victims charged a RM3,000 fee each to enter the country.

For an additional RM100, they will be transported by land to a transit house located in an oil palm plantation in Mersing to "acclimatise".

State Immigration director Datuk Mohd Rusdi Mohd Darus said the department's enforcement officers mounted a four-hour surveillance on workers' quarters in the oil palm plantation in Mersing before storming in at 2.20am today.

Five undocumented Indonesian men aged between 21 and 49 attempted to flee, with some hiding under beds, but were rounded up and detained by the 26 immigration enforcement officers deployed to the scene.

The Indonesians, said Rusdi, are believed to be part of the syndicate's members who watched over the Myanmar nationals housed there.

Rusdi said today's operation was a follow-up to one on Thursday in Kluang.

Acting on a two-day surveillance mounted on a double-storey shop-house in Kluang, the enforcement officers stormed into the premises where eight Myanmar nationals were being kept.

They detained four men and a woman aged between 26 and 47, all of whom are believed to be members of the same syndicate, including the agent who acted as their leader.

There were also three Arakan ethnic men aged between 35 and 49, who had been smuggled into the country some 14 days earlier.

"The Myanmar nationals claimed that they had been locked in the unit since their arrival, and were not allowed to leave the premise, until their future employers arrived," said Rusdi.

He added that the raiding party found two Myanmar passports, 12 Arakan Refugee Relief Committee cards which are believed to be fake, printed UNHCR letterhead forms, and RM15,855.

The syndicate's agent with legal documents to remain in the country is believed to have been behind the illicit operations for at least six years.

Rusdi said given his targeted victims were Arakanese, which was hardly heard of in Johor, he managed to keep his illegal operations under the radar and away from the enforcement authorities.

Investigations are underway to determine the Arakan refugee card authenticity, while the undocumented foreigners were detained under Section 6(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for remaining in the country without valid permits and documents.

The syndicate agent was detained under the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act.